Merged image of a V8 engine, Sherman Tank,  Clementine the Cat, and my MGA in the Alpes

MGB V8 Conversion


The previous restoration

V8 engine

Engine lowering

Engine steady bar

Weber 500 carburetor

Twin pipe exhaust


Wheelarch modifications

Twin pipe system

R380 Gearbox

Gearlever remote

Gearbox mountings

Front suspension

Front suspension mods


4 link rear suspension

Setting up

4-link rear suspension

Panhard Rod

Coil Over Damper Mounting

Upper Arm Mounting

Rear Axle and Propshaft

Sound proofing

Door window frames

Interior sound proofing

Radio and speaker installation


Interior trim


V8 engine problems

Ride and ride heights

MGB V8 - Engine steady bar

The MGB engine mounting installation is set up so that when the engine is under torque one mounting will tend to be in tension and one in compression. This is OK when the engine doesn't produce a great deal of torque, but bonding between rubber and metal is poor in tension and my old V8 engine would quickly pull it's mountings apart. The engine steady bar is intended to reduce the movement of the engine under torque and also prevent tension loading of the mounts under torque.

engine steady bar bracket mounted to engine

I fitted a tall bracket to the engine so that the steady bar was horizontal. This ensures that the steady bar doesn't influence the vertical movement of the engine. I mounted the bracket to the gearbox mounting bolts rather than the cylinder heads as I was wary of head gasket problems if I loaded the heads. The bracket has a lateral support to the head to reduce the likelihood of buckling and also increase the resonant frequency of the bracket to prevent ringing.

steady bar mounting to body during fabrication

The steady bar itself is a rear suspenion link from a modern saloon car and I just happened to know the bush characteristics. The bush has a low rate for 10mm of movement so should not result in harshness for small throttle openings. The bush will snub under full throttle and prevent further engine movement.

I welded two mounting brackets into the upper wheelarch reinforcing panel to support the bush, then boxed in the front face of the panel to increase stiffness.

completed engine steady bar bracket to body

The finished steady bar has a threaded section to allow length adjustment. The bar clears the brake servo but I had to mount the screen wash reservoir further forward to clear the steady bar.

The only snag I've found with this arrangement is the screen wash mounting makes it very difficult to torque the head studs or remove number 7 spark plug.

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